Thursday, February 15, 2007

Field Trip - 60 Sites in 60 Minutes

Take a high-speed tour of the Internet. We’ll be setting out to cover a site a minute, so we’ll have to hustle. In the more leisurely second half of the workshop, you’ll cruise back to the sites you found most interesting for some hands-on time. This class is for experienced Internet users. You must be comfortable using Internet Explorer or Firefox in a Windows environment. Location: Main Library - Virtual VillageDate: Thursday, 2/22/2007 at 9:15 AM

Friday, January 26, 2007


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all Pathways to Employment students to this Blog. We will be using this medium to communicate with each other in regards to our Office Information Systems Specialists Program and how we can all become Master Students! To futher you on your journey of becoming a Master Student, visit

Please know that I look forward to working with each and everyone of you this semester, and I await your upcoming graduation in the spring of this year!

Good Luck!

Mrs. H

Making Transitions

A couple of months ago I read a book entitled "The Dream Giver," by Bruce Wilkinson. In the book we meet a character by the name of Ordinary who lives in the land of familiar with a bunch of nobodies. When Ordinary finds himself feeling uncomfortable in the land of familiar, he realizes that he must face the wall of fear in order to find his purpose in life, which is given to him by the Dream Giver. While Ordinary has to make many transitions in his life, he eventually ends up exactly where he is supposed to be.

Just like Ordinary, you too are treading new teritory and making many transitions in different areas of your life. It is not easy, but you made one the first steps on your journey by enrolling in the Pathway to Employment Program. It is our goal here at CPCC to do whatever we can to help make your transition to this new environment as smooth as possible and to ensure that you become a Master Student! It is our hope that by becomming a Master Student, you too will end up exactly where you are supposed to be!

Please click on the link and use your textbook to complete the assignments below:

  1. View the PowerPoint presentation for the Introduction
  2. Read the following two articles: Mastering Transitions and Following Instructions
  3. Complete and submit Exercises 1 & 2 from your text
  4. Complete and submit Journal Entries 1 & 2 from your text

Note: Use the blank exercise and journal forms under the Exercise link to complete and submit assignments 3 & 4. When you have completed the assignments, follow the instructions for emailing them to your instructor. Click on the comments button below to submit your comments on the aforementioned articles.

First Steps


Last week we all created our Discovery Wheels. Let's share our findings via the Comments area of this Blog by answering the following questions:

  1. This wheel is an accurate picture of my ability as a student because...
  2. My self-evaluation surprises me because...
  3. The two areas in which I am strongest are...
  4. The areas in which I want to improve are...
  5. I want to concentrate on improving these areas because...
  6. Select one discovery. Complete this statement: To gain some practical value from this discovery, I will...

Please note my personal comments regarding my Discovery Wheel.

Also, please review the PowerPoint Slides for Chapter 1 from the Master Student website, and then continue with this chapter by completeing the Learning Style Inventory exercise. You will need the following tools to complete this exercise:
  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
This is a great exercise in not only assessing your learning style, but also an excellent exercise in following instructions. After you have completed your Learning Style Graph, please read LSI-1 - 6 and then submit Journal Entry 5 to your instructor.







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